Project wise financial reports are common requirement of the Tally users those who are configuring Cost Centers and Cost category as Profit centers for the company. We have default Tally Financial reports to retrieve the whole company financial position. This module is extending those reports to individual Cost center and Cost category wise. The new reports include Cost center wise Ledger Statement, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet. (E.g.: Many Tally users are configuring Cost centers as Projects, Sites, Branches and Division Etc.
Reserve the stock to ensure committed Delivery
By default, Tally user can book the order for any items without considering saleable stock.(Saleable Stock = Closing Stock – Sales Order Collected). This module will give the saleable stock position of all items at the time of Sales order entry. It will help the Tally user to maintain enough stock position and possible deliverable quantity on order due Date.
Reminder system is a must for postdated and optional vouchers.
A reminder is a common requirement when you issue/collect a postdated cheque against any dues/receivables. Proper reminder prior to the cheque clearing date will help the tally users for better fund management.
Detailed Stock Summary.
This is a new configuration in default stock summary to show the group, category and Tax rates details as a separate column along with the Item details.
Auto generate due entries. Avoid duplication work.
Any type of subscription from the customers like student’s fees or periodic installments are generally fixed amount due collected monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly Etc. Since it is the same amount from the same party for a particular period, we have the possibility to make it automate to avoid duplication works of an accountant and mistakes arising during the data entry.
Effective handling of common offer “Buy one get one”.
It is general scheme announced by the suppliers for a particular period. The scheme can be free of same item or a different item for an “x” quantity. Managing the free stock will be the difficult task for the tally users. This feature provides an option to set free item and quantity details in the primary items itself.
Generate auto PO when your ROL have a shortfall
Default Tally has a report of inventory ROL status. There you can find closing stock, Re-order levels and short fall quantity details as on date. This module providing a button to select the shortfall items from the report then it get auto filled in the new order voucher to execute.
Auto receipt while sales invoice to reduce data entry.
Many Tally users are doing cash sales but they want to debit the party ledger in sales invoice.They do a separate cash receipt against the same bill against the sales bill. It is a time consuming process. You can auto create such receipt against the bill from the invoice screen itself without moving to receipt voucher.
Inward/Outward courier registers.
Courier register won’t have any accounting implications even though majority of the customers have a manual register to track these details as a document for future reference if required.Now we can track this information’s in tally itself by treating as separate voucher type for inward and outward courier details.
Tracking invoice in Credit Notes.
Suppose there is a sales return against an invoice made few days back to do a credit note entry in tally, you need a tracking of Invoices to retrieve all the details in to the credit note to avoid a manual entry and to ensure the items, figures are accurate.
Easy management of supporting documents.
Every transaction will have a supporting document like bills, receipts, vouchers signed etc… Normally the customers will have a separate physical file to maintain these documents. So finding the document’s against a voucher will be very difficult. Here you can make a soft copy of the document and attach to all vouchers by specifying the folder locations. So whenever you need the document in tally, go to the vouchers/ masters’ click on the button to open the documents from the file location specified. (e.g.: Expenses bills, Employee documents)
When you need a cheque number Search ?
You have many cheques pending to reconcile in a bank ledger every day. A cheque number search is required to locate the particular transaction matching with the same.
Traders features is a bundled features required for Traders.
Traders feature is a bundled feature commonly used by the traders. The feature providing easy ways to access reports and many controls while data entry.
- Net Rate
When you have an inclusive tax rate or MRP for billing this module help to split the rate separately for Base rate and Tax
- Quick access party statement while billing.
Tally users may need to take the ledger statement to verify the transaction’s before doing a sales invoice. We are providing a button in sales invoice to go to ledger statement without exiting Invoice entry screen.
- ROL warning while billing.
It is a reminder for the tally users to maintain proper stock level for the company. The warning message wills popup while billing when the stock went below the Re-Order Level.
- Negative Stock blocking
Tally users cannot bill an item if it goes negative stock while billing
- Control overdue outstanding Customers.
Tally users cannot bill to a customer who have an overdue credit days beyond days allowed in the invoice.
- Quick access customer outstanding while billing.
Tally users may need to go to the customer outstanding statements before doing a sales invoice. We have a new button to go to outstanding from sales Invoice.
- Controls on sales rate.
This feature gives a control on the sales rate if it is less than the last purchase cost.
- Block payments on negative cash balance.
This feature remained the users there is some omission in receipt/ mistake in cash balance.Tally won’t allow the users to enter any payments on cash negative balance.
- Cash sales register.
Default sales register have cash and credit vouchers. This is new sales register contains only cash sales for a period.
- Block billing without TIN.
Tally won’t allow a form 8 Invoice without customer TIN Number.
- Customer sales history.
While entering an invoice for any customers, the users can find the last sales quantity, Rate and discount details given for the same items for a specified period.
Auto Backup Module for a Safety
Backup is a compulsory task that has to be completed by tally users every day. But majority of tally users ignore it and facing problem at the time of data corrections. We developed an auto backup module to execute backup on a scheduled time interval. It keeps the backup file in a separate folder as per the date and time of the execution. An error gets displayed if there is an
error in back up execution.
Implement Security features to become accurate and secured.
A set of features has been identified for the secure functioning of tally been identified and bundled under security features. There are seven features provided for the proper monitoring and safe working of tally.
- Altered Voucher History.
To keep the record of alteration made for a voucher. It is saving the user name, Date, time and Ledger amount details changed in the alteration.
- Recycle bin for deleted vouchers.
All deleted voucher details move to the recycle bin and you can restore if required.Permanent delete is possible only from the recycle bin report. Recycle bin is maintaining deleted vouchers by converting to optional vouchers.
- System date as current date while loading a company.
Tally start with the last voucher date as current date on loading. Tally users may start voucher entry without changing the transaction date to the current date. This feature set System date as current date on company loading.
- Allow transaction only System date
Sometimes data entry operators change the transaction date for back dated entry. Later they start enter current date vouchers without changing the date back. It will make dis order in tally’s continuous voucher numbers. Correcting these errors is a big task. Apply these features to avoid such issues.
- Block delete for users.
Those who want to disallow deletion for the data entry users can be done by an admin user.
- Block Cancel for users.
Those who want to disallow cancel for the data entry users can be done by an admin user.
- Blocking Vouchers configuration.
Configurations for Data and TCP settings and voucher configurations etc. ate one time settings. So a data entry operator not required an access on these settings.
User Day Book
Default Day Book showing all the transaction details entered by all users for the selected period. When there are multiple users working in with a company we have no option get the user wise voucher reports for further verification. This feature is enabling user wise day book to do the final verifications of the vouchers were they entered.